In the history of European culture, there are two existent point of views on the human body, the "Soma" - the body without any clear boundaries between the external and internal and, the "Corpus" - social and culturally fixed, legally limited body. A modern person is able to overcome the boundaries of the biological body, creating his own "body mask".
In my series, I tried to create a new "body mask", connecting the human body with the objects of the surrounding natural and animal world. I wanted to explore, through this connection, their complementarity and mutual influence. To ask myself a question, "Where is the borderline between harmony in interaction and the pathological influence of one on the other? What grows from what? Who determines whom?" In my photographs, the combination of the physical and the natural gives a certain third dimension - something completely new, the "Other", appears. And by taking a good look at him, we can find the answers to these questions.
Sue Polschikova is a Russian photographer, born in 1980 in Kazakhstan, USSR, raised in north of Russia. In 2011 moved to the Middle East. From 2017 based in Portugal, Lisbon. Since then started her journey in visual arts.